Baked Crispy Chicken Ribs

Seves 4



1kg CKB chicken ribs

1 cup Lewis & Son potato starch

Olive oil for drizzling

For Marinade

2.5 tbs soy sauce or tamari

1.5 tbs cooking wine

1 tsp sesame oil

1 tsp Chinese five spice

1 tsp freshly grated ginger

2 cloves garlic, crushed

Salt and pepper spice mix – optional

1/2 tsp Sichuan pepper corns

1/2 tsp black pepper corns

1/4 tsp chilli flakes

1/2 tsp white pepper

1 tsp rock salt


  1. Place chicken in a sealable bag pour over the marinade ingredients and toss to coat and mix. Set aside for 8-24hrs. The longer you leave it the more intense the flavour.

  2. Once you’re finished marinating, preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Line a large tray with baking paper.

  3. Pour a third of the potato starch into a small medium bowl, large enough to dip a rib into.

  4. One at a time, take a rib from the marinade and dip it in the potato starch, make sure you press the starch in and cover every nook and cranny. The trick is for it to look a little shaggy in places as that will create crispy bits. Place the rib on your prepared tray and repeat with the remaining ribs.

  5. Make sure the ribs aren’t touching on the tray, use two trays if you have to.

  6. Once all the chicken is coated drizzle in a little olive oil, or lightly spray with oil. Transfer to the oven and bake for 30 -45 minutes. Turn every ten minutes to make sure they get evenly golden and crispy. Remove at any stage after 30 minutes, once they’re nice and golden as pictured.

  7. Turning them is important as otherwise you made end up with white bits of starch rather than a golden coating.

  8. While cooking, crush the salt and pepper ingredients in a mortar and pestle until fine Note: You can just use salt and pepper instead. Add some chili powder if you please, and white pepper if you have it!

  9. Once cooked, sprinkle over the salt mix and serve immediately. Don’t pile in a deep bowl as they’ll lose their crispness!


*recipe and photo from